Balfour and District Business and Historic Association Purchases Saint Michael and All Angels Church, one of the five oldest buildings in the Kootenays

The Anglican Church has recently closed Saint Michael and All Angels Church in Balfour due to dwindling congregation and lack of attendance at services. Final services were held in December.

The Heritage Committee of the Balfour & District Business & Historic Association has made an offer to purchase the building, which has been accepted with a one-year period in which to raise the necessary funds.

With generous funding from the Columbia Basin Trust and the Regional District of Central Kootenay, there is a total of approximately $35,000 to be raised. The group will be applying for grants and asking for community support through fund raising events and direct donations.

The church has been renamed as Saint Michael and All Angels Chapel and Performance Centre to reflect its new role in the community. While the Christian Science Church will continue to meet there, the building will be available for weddings and other events such as concerts and lectures.

Some renovations will be required including installing flush bathrooms and a wheelchair accessible entrance.

For more information about the project, please contact Committee Chair Josh Smienk at 250-229-5601 or Secretary Truus Zelonka at 250-229-4527.